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This document outline the basic installation, configuration and the basic usage of the WHMCS DNS Suite Module


In order to use the module's functionality, you will need the following

  1. DirectAdmin hosting account with ability to create addon domains
  2. PHP INTL module enabled on your WHMCS server
  3. The DirectAdmin hosting account should not be on the same hosting server you serve your regular hosting with.

  4. Your WHMCS server must have outgoing port to the DirectAdmin account (default is 2222) open in order to connect to the DirectAdmin server.


Upload all the files in the modules folder to your WHMCS /modules/addons directory.

Language Uploads

The module includes English as the base language. If you wish to translate it to your enabled language in WHMCS. Make a copy of the english.php in /modules/addons/dnssuite/lang/ to your associated language. For example, french.php. The filename must match to the ones in the WHMCS/lang/french.php


Module Activation

Log into your WHMCS admin backend and enable the module by going to Setup → Addon Modules → DNS Suite Management → Activate

Once activated, click on Configure and fill in the license key and make any settings adjustment.

Module Options

Respect WHMCS DNS SettingEnabling this will make the module respect each domain's DNS management setting. 
Disable Client Management without Correct Nameservers (v1.22)Enabling this will disable client ability to modify the settings in the Client Area when the domain's nameserver is pointing to the nameservers set in this module
Email Verify TemplateThis is the email template for when an email destination is added and an email with the Pin will be send to the email address for verification
Restrict Sub-accountsWhen enabled, sub-accounts without the Manage Domains permission (Set under main account) will not be able to use the module
Enable email notificationAllow client to set to receive email notification on changes made
Notification Email TemplateThe email template name to use when to send out the email notification
DirectAdmin URLThe hostname or IP without http://or https://
DirectAdmin Custom PortEnter your custom DirectAdmin port here, if using default 2222 then leave empty
DirectAdmin Login/Password/SSL ConnectionThis is the login credentials for you DirectAdmin Account
Web template file name (Professional edition only)The ZIP package name of the web templates you want to extract files from onto new domains 
Enable PHP for domainAllow PHP files to be run on new domains. The DA account must have PHP function enabled.
Enable SSL for domainEnable HTTPS for the client domain. Recommend to turn this off as it can lead to browser security warning due to invalid SSL.
Large DB exclusionWhen this option is enabled, the Admin panel will no longer load the list of Active domains in the Drop Down search. You will have to fill in the domain manually. This is useful if you have a large domain database
Fetch from NS on load

When enabled Clients will load records from the DA Server regardless of the local cache

Fetch from NS on load (Admin)When enabled Admin will load records from the DA Server regardless of the local cache
TTL on zone refreshThe amount of time (in seconds) before the local cache expires
Default Nameserver 1-5The default nameserver for the DA server
Default TTLThe default TTL for the records
Display link under Domain Service Page (Admin) (v1.2)
Display under Domain menuWhen enabled it will display the DNS Manager link under the WHMCS Navigation menu Domains Tab
Menu Showing OrderThe order in the Domains menu for the DNS Manager link to appear
Display in Domain details side barWhen enabled, a new link Manage DNS Record, Email Forwarding & Redirect will appear on the side Manage bar of a domain details page
Create on Pre-Registrar (v1.13)Create domain on DA server pre-registrar hook (Required for registry that need an active zone on the nameservers)
Create on RegistrationCreates the domain on the DA server upon registration process
Create on TransferCreates the domain on the DA server upon transfer
DNS EditorEnable the permission for client to Modify DNS Records
Enable DNSSEC (new in v1.3)

Enable DNSSEC on the clientarea frontend. Admin will always have access to DNSSEC (user_dnssec_control=1 must be enabled for DirectAdmin for DNSSEC to function)

DNS Templates (Professional edition Only)Enable clients to Restore DNS Templates from the system
User Custom DNS Templates (Professional edition Only)Enable clients to create their custom DNS Template
User Custom DNS Template LimitThe number of user DNS template allow to create
Dynamic DNS Support (Professional edition Only)Allow client to update DNS records via the API
Dynamic DNS API Use limitThe number of API call each IP can call per hour
Enable Brute Force DetectionEnabling this will block an IP if it is exceeding the per hour API limit
Bruteforce TimerThe amount of seconds to check in the bruteforce log before denying
Bruteforce Ban TimerThe amount of seconds to ban the IP address from accessing the API
Dynamic DNS API Brute Froce limitLimit how many unsuccessful API call each IP can call per hour
SubDomain Limit (Premimum/Pro Edition only)Limit how many subdomain can set per domain. (To disable set to -1, for unlimited set to 0)
URL Forwarder (Premimum/Pro Edition only)Enable the ability for the client to manage web redirects
URL Masked Redirect (Premimum/Pro Edition only) (v1.2)Enable users to use masked redirects
Hash for Connector (v1.2)The hash key needed to connect to the remote file connector when using Masked Redirect
URL Forward LimitLimit how many URL redirect can set per domain (For unlimited set to 0)
Email Forwarder (Premium/Pro Edition only)Enable the ability for the client to setup Email Forwarding (For unlimited set to 0)
Email Forwarder LimitLimit how many Email forwarder can set per domain (For unlimited set to 0)
Destination Email Slots LimitThe number of email destination each domain can have for forwarding (For unlimited set to 0)
Email Catch-all (Premimum/Pro Edition only)Enable the ability for the client to setup Email CatchAll
DNS Modification Settings & LimitsAll the settings below are for the DNS editor. They are self-explanatory. (For unlimited set to 0)

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