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Remote Server Installation Video using One Step Install method

Widget Connector

Needed PHP Functions 

The following functions need to be enabled for the installation and the cronjob. It does not need to be enabled for systemwide.

titleNeeded Functions

system() posix_getpwuid() fileowner() filegroup() fileperms()

Remote Server Installation Video using One Step Install method

Widget Connector

One Step Install

Run the following one step installer, it will install the files onto the remote server for you and install the cronjob.

cd /tmp; wget -N; tar -xvf installer.tar ; chmod +x installer.php; 

To start the installation

Code Block
php installer.php arg1 arg2 arg3


Argument 1 OptionsExplanation
install-ioncube10install the ioncube 10 version

Argument 2 OptionsExplanation
cpanelinstall the files into /var/www/html
cpanel-ea3install the files into /usr/local/apache/htdocs
dainstall the files into /var/www/html

Argument 3 OptionsExplanation
defaultleave the default hash in the settings file alone
randomGenerate a random Hash to replace the default hash in the settings file
Any stringReplace the default hash with the string provided. Avoid using quotes, it will be stripped out.

Example installer command

Code Block
cd /tmp; wget -N; tar -xvf installer.tar ; chmod

titleNote 1

Note when running the one step installer, the installer will use your native php to run the installation commands unless you had specified. Therefore, if your native PHP have the following functions disabled (system() posix_getpwuid() fileowner() filegroup() fileperms(), then the installation will not work properly.

titleNote 2

To check if the installation is completed properly, check the crontab for root.

If there is a see a new entry at the bottom of the crontab that runs php CSFUnblockremote.php, then the installer completed successfully. Otherwise, you wil need to temporary comment out the disable_function option in the the native PHP's php.ini file (Usually at /usr/local/lib/php.ini).

Once installed, you can enable disable_function in the native php.ini file.

To complete the installation, comment out the disable_function in /var/www/php.ini. This php.ini is a of the native php.ini the installer had made. You can comment the disable_function line in this php.ini (/var/www/php.ini) and it won't affect your system's security as only the cronjob will be using this php.ini file.

Manual Install

If you want to install it manually, you can upload the files in remoteUpload folder to the remote server's documentroot. Note that the uploaded files must be web accessible using the Web Address listed in the Admin interface.

If the web address is

Then MUST be accessible publicly

By default cpanel and DirectAdmin will have the documentroot stored in


Once the file is uploaded, you would need to setup a cronjob to run CSFUnblockremote.php


cPanel & DirectAdmin

*/2 * * * * php -c /var/www/php.ini -q /var/www/html/CSFUnblockremote.php cron > /dev/null 2>&1

We are using a local php.ini file so that we don't have to make changes to the system wide php.ini file(/usr/local/lib/php.ini). If your system wide php.ini have the following functions disabled. It is advisable to make a copy of the system wide php.ini and make the cronjob to load the local customized php.ini

Module Removal From Remote Server

If you installed the module using the one step installer then run the following commands to remove the module.

Code Block
titleUninstallation Commands
rm -rf /var/www/html/CSF*;
rm -rf /var/www/csf*;
rm -rf /var/www/*.cluster;
rm -rf /var/www/*.local;

Once the files are removed, you also need to remove the cronjob from root that runs /var/www/html/CSFUnblockremote.php

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